I left El Dorado, Kansas on the morning of August 04, 2023, with two goals in mind. First was to stop in at Blackwell Northern to see what locomotives had arrived from their owners; and second was to visit the Oklahoma Railway Museum in Oklahoma City since it was a Friday and they would be open. I took the back roads south to Winfield where I caught a northbound BNSF “Z” train on its way to Kansas City.

Getting back into the SUV I heard a horn over by the South Kansas & Oklahoma and a few minutes later I was photographing a trio of SD40-2’s that had arrived from the east with a rock train.

When I arrived in Blackwell I stopped in at the Blackwell Northern’s office to visit and soon after was offered a conducted tour of the units at the roundhouse area. These three locomotives and the caboose have already been here for a while.

These four locomotives were all recent arrivals.

After saying thank you, I left Blackwell and drove on down to Oklahoma City where I stopped in at the museum to walk around and photograph with the following results.

It was after 3:00 pm when I finished at the museum, and so I got back on I35 heading south to Texas. I decided to pull off at Gainesville for fuel and to catch northbound Amtrak 822 leaving the depot at 6:47 pm

I made it back home safely after another successful trip with plenty of photos.