I had been told the first four train sets for DART’s “Silver Line” service from DFW Airport to Plano would be coming in by a special train movement over the BNSF Wichita Falls Sub on the afternoon of August 12, 2023. When I had notice that the train was around Decatur, friend Luke Meacham and I drove up to Saginaw to find a good spot to catch them coming in. As I passed the interlocking, I paused for a southbound BNSF coal train. It was quite different to see the train moving at 55 mph with no pounding of the diamonds since they were all replaced with back-to-back switches.

I decided to drive up to the north end of Hicks to catch the DART delivery train and we met Steve Grabman there. The BNSF Wichita Falls Sub in the background and we were worried this southbound UP on the Duncan Sub would block or view at 4:02 pm.

Our fear was unjustified as the special did not arrive until 4:19 pm. I took the following sequence as the train passed by.

A westbound intermodal was behind the special train at 4:52 pm.

Heading back towards home, we stopped at Bailey Boswell Road for a northbound BNSF with a NS leader at 5:17 pm.

Next we pulled in at the interlocking parking lot to watch Amtrak 822 go by at 79 mph at 5:37 pm. Note the dust kicked up by the train running at its new maximum speed through here.

One last train was seen here at 6:10 pm when a southbound UP rock train pulled down their new lead on the west side of the BNSF and then went through two pairs of crossovers to get back on the Duncan Sub on the east side of the BNSF.

A short trip out for once with a successful conclusion.