I had heard that CSX CW44AC number 173 was in the lineup of older locomotives to be rebuilt at the Wabtec locomotive factory in far north Fort Worth. I had the opportunity to drive by the plant on the afternoon of July 13th in 2022, but before I could look for the 173, I spotted a pair of freshly rebuilt CM44AH’s running on the test track. I quickly drove up to the north end of the test track in Justin, and a few minutes later at 4:16 pm the two units pulled northbound past me.

The two units stopped on the other side of the grade crossing behind me and in a few seconds headed back south again since there is a Wabtec engineer in each cab.

Having captured every shot I wanted in one test sequence here, I left the units to their back-and-forth monotony and drove south to the long line of unrebuilt units parked north of the plant along FM 156. I quickly found number 173 the “Spirit of West Virginia” in the line.

Why am I interested in this locomotive? Look closely at the number seven on the side of the cab and I believe you can see traces of the numeral one underneath. This locomotive used to be CSX number one and I was lucky enough to catch it many years ago when it arrived it Arlington leading a vehicle train from the east. Friends at the UP BOP Yard spotted it for me so I could get this photo.

More recently it was repainted in the newer scheme but remained number one the “Spitit of West Virginia” until its number was given to one of the CSX executive passenger units and it was renumbered to 173. After rebuilding if my information is correct it will be CM44AC number 7007. Whether it will still be the “Spirit of West Virginia” remains to be seen.